We had been working so hard to stay healthy for our target half marathon, the Mighty Niagara. I was more focused on what could happen while running or working around the house and on the germ-fest that is Back-to-School.
Certainly just the day-to-day couldn’t… wouldn’t be a goal-buster, right?
Yup, that’s how it fell.. or twisted. It wasn’t running or lifting or stretching. It was walking across the Commons.
If you’re like me, you log miles each day fidgeting, moving just to move, you know what I mean. You can’t sit still. It’s just how you are. I’m that kind of person too.
Being down is hard… period. Being down and having expectations change is… harder. But that’s always how it rolls.
This injury is different from past injuries. Different in that I am so darn close to that goal of crossing that finish line. That goal… that in the grand scheme can be moved or shifted but is a huge day on my calendar.
As a newer runner it can be hard to manage the expectations, the change. What… I can’t run! Wait… you’re human. Sometimes we break. When it happens, after seeking appropriate medical attention, what should you do?
What should you do as an injured runner who hasn’t been through this a million times? After seeking medical attention, that is…
Manage expectations
Stuff happens. In this case, we have this great day planned. Running with friends and family and celebrating. The great day will happen. Hopefully I will have feet on the pavement… for 13.1 and a great finish picture. I’m not giving this goal up yet. But it is what it is. The day will happen but if my body can’t manage it… maybe running my first was meant to happen in a quieter fashion, on another course. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
Be realistic
Do no more harm. Do what you need to do, follow medical advice to allow your body to heal. It’s one thing to be positive and another entirely to run on an injury and do more harm. I don’t want to let youngest down (my running buddy), but won’t try to run if I can’t. OK… maybe I would but Porter would kill me if I did more damage because I was stupid.
Keep your eye on the goal
Don’t give up the goal too soon. I’m still hopeful that with a couple of days of rest or mostly rest the run will happen. My energy is focused on running and all that entails. If that doesn’t happen, I have a plan.
Life is dynamic, change is constant
Be flexible. It’s a life skill. Things change on a dime. Don’t let that dissuade you, just keep at it. Know that when things change, being flexible is the key. I had a couple minute pitty-party on Saturday before telling myself to get over it, there are real issues that people are dealing with and this isn’t one of them. It’s a blip that may alter a goal. NBD.
Be gentle and kind… to yourself
Especially when your energy should be focused on healing. Eat well, hydrate and laugh. Usually RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is in the mix. Give your body – and your mind – what it needs to heal. Put your (insert here) up, wrapped, iced and relax. Negative energy doesn’t help anything… especially the people trying to help and support you. You need to feel your feelings, but if what you’re feeling is disappointment, short and sweet is best. See above couple minute pitty-party. This too will pass.
Studies show that mental attitude has a significant impact on healing. Or maybe I just want it too… No really, real scientists doing research. Following medical advice is important, so too is putting your head in the right place.
Ultimately, this too will pass… With your head in the right place & taking the break your body needs, probably sooner and easier :)!
This week, I’m working on these.
How do you handle injury?