So many projects… so little time! Up next on my knitting needles are two projects, another basic hat and a scarf.
Starting anything new is fun and frustrating. It’s the excitement of the new mixed with the frustration of the learning curve.
With knitting it’s about finding the right needles, the yarns that you like and the projects that are your fit. It’s learning what the options are and which is best for you. It’s about finding your support system to help you figure it all out.
I’m working through it.
My go to needles today are bamboo. For me, they have the right combination of smooth & friction and they’re light & quiet. For me easier than the weight, feel and sound of metal. I do like round too, even for “flat” knitting. Neater in my book.
The yarns, well this will be a long journey. So many choices… and good choices… so little time. My current frustration is with the hat I’m working on. So far two knots in maybe six rows. Argh! My stash of good yarn is waiting my having knit enough to have the confidence. I know, I know, just do it. I’m almost there.
The projects, well I could retire tomorrow and knit full time and not finish all the projects already on my list. Whoops! I need to fit the treadmill for some standup knitting. It’s a lot of sitting for me.
I just keep trying new things. Found the local shops. We’re lucky to have a few. Maybe a class once I get the basics down.
Do you knit? How did you or are you ramping up the learning curve?