Cheerleaders? Yup, you know.. those people in your corner no matter what.
Those people you can count on when the chips are down. The ones who will support you no matter what, in the best of times and the worst of times. The people who will risk things to disagree with you and ask what the #$%@ you’re doing when you need it. And more importantly why? Those people who you respect and will consider their perspective. Maybe you’ll get your panties a little bunched, but you’ll figure it out, get over it and say thanks.
Those people & relationships are rare. It’s the rare person who will go out on that limb, to possibly risk their own discomfort to support you or to constructively disagree with you about real things. To hang for the good, the bad & the ugly.
Maybe it’s a collection of people, in different areas.
Cheers to the Cheerleaders!