Monday brought an evening of easy yoga. The great thing about yoga is how you can take a class and make it what you need. By taking a pose a little further, a little stronger, a little longer you can get a great class out of a beginner class. Because unless you own the studio, the choice is to fit the right class into your schedule. Sometimes you can’t do that. So you make what you need out of the choices you have. Because any yoga is better than no yoga.
Tuesday was a dreadmill 2.5 mile run. Threw a few intervals in there just because… well trying to speed up my 5K time.
Wednesday has become my day off, for now.
Thursday… another 2.5 on the treadmill (5, include=2).
Friday & Saturday were disappointing from the training perspective. A deadline & personal commitment drove missing yoga on Friday. Saturday was a weather skiing fail – we are not fans of skiing in the mist so opted to try a new E-Ville hangout.
Sunday brought the Penguin run. It’s on the books, so thankful to have crossed the finish line.
Slowest. Run.(almost)Ever.
See my Run recap post tomorrow.
Overall, really felt the miss of my Friday yoga class. There was one earlier in the day that work interfered with, silly work! My goal for this week is to create a couple backup workouts for an hour at home when I need it. Easy to do, just added it to the list.