You may say insanity… I say “OMG, 22 hours and 7 tons of stone…. We Did It!”
Thankfully the humidity let up a bit.
Think I reached my limit on the whole “Productive Exercise” craze.
We had been putting off some landscaping for the past few years. Mostly because we are pretty avid DIYers and as I watched the great person we hired to start our home landscaping thought… we could (& should) do this. Well, we had done it before, on our other house some 20 years ago. So not like it was totally foreign territory.
We were much younger and in better shape.
A few back injuries and too many computer and tv hours later… Well, I’ve been gearing up for this for two years. Seriously.
I know, I’m nuts.
But here it is, if you plan it right and approach it right, the feeling of satisfaction when you’re done is amazing.
I keep saying what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Ok I keep saying it to myself… and my partner in crime(husband)… and our recruited help (youngest son).
Well, we were sore and tired the following day. But not bad, not nearly as bad as I had expected. We were careful, took breaks & stayed hydrated.
But we did it, it looks great and I feel great today.
7 tons moved in 22 hours.
We. Did. It