Have you noticed that many friends are jumping on the health band wagon? Lately it seems like the topic of conversation at parties.
Maybe it’s the age we’re at or the friends we hang with… Everyone is trying to keep from starting (or continuing) the meds their primary doc is prescribing for the condition du jour. To retain that 20 or 30-something body at 40-50-60 something.
It’s nice to find people who share your interests. Especially if they’re life changing because habits are tough to break.
One common theme that comes up is “diet downfalls.” It’s easy to be good at home, but going out or going to a party dive bombs all those good days.
How do we stop that? How do we stay true to our goals while maintaining a social life? Over the next couple months, we’re adding a category of posts on how to stay true to your healthy living goals and how to help friends stay true to theirs.
Cheers.. Here’s to more nights out with friends that don’t blow your goals!