Happy Birthday America! I remember spending July 4th 1976 at our camp. Riding minibikes, swimming in the creek and watching the fireworks on TV because we were in the middle of no-where :). It’s one of my favorite memories. That our country was celebrating 200 years was cool. On the one hand, I remember 200 years seeming like forever (at 12) but then nothing compared to say the Greeks, Romans, etc. Such a nerd, even at 12.
Usually the 4th is parade and friends & family filled. This year, youngest is working, eldest is working(out of town) and we have new kayaks!
Yup, you guessed it, we’re heading out for a fun-filled day of kayaking, some hot tub recovery and (if we last) fireworks at CanalSide. It’s a beautiful day for it. Feel a little guilty after all the crazy hot runs we’ve had over the past couple weeks to not run this morning, but tomorrow is the long run day (& we’re stickin’ to it)!
Regardless of your politics, we are lucky & blessed to be living in the USA. Happy Birthday!!
Best wishes for a celebration filled with whatever you want! Enjoy!