It’s been a little while, I’ve missed PolkaDot Butterfly.
Life has been full and sometimes other priorities win. It is what it is.
Now it’s time to get back to it.
Our empty nest was full this past weekend for Thanksgiving Festivities. Our two sons returned, one bringing two roommates. They picked the right weekend for a full house. We’ve started running the local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning then home to host the family Thanksgiving. This year we added a Saturday night 50th birthday celebration for Porter. Tuesday through Sunday were awesome, crazy, tiring and fun. Few things better than friends & family. It’s times that are hard to put feelings into words. It’s good to spend time around the people that you love & enjoy most.
Out of these five days, I was able to make a commitment. That in part is what brought me back to PDB.
Running a half marathon.
Because I can.
We’ll see how my body trains, we’ll see if I end up running alone or if Porter will join me.
The key is the decision and the commitment. I’m totally psyched.
It’s on the calendar. The training plan that starts Monday. I haven’t signed up yet, but will after getting beyond a 6 mile run. That means around New Years. For some reason my body has trouble breaking 6 w/o breaking (sorry for the pun). With a little more cross-training, I’ll be where I need to be.
It’s nice to be back.