Yikes, I really thought the past couple days have been a diversion. Not much exercise and a little extravagance on the food dept. Pulled out some of my motivational stuff… works every time! I know how bad my slump is by how long it takes to get that spring back in my step. Today it was my run (40 min).
The past couple days have been hard. Maybe because of the heat, maybe the diversion of eldest son returning home (after signing his first lease whoo hoo!!), not really sure why… but have struggled. Today got back on the horse. Nice 30 min run on the treadmill with intervals of incline(3) & increasing the speed to 5.0 from flat 4.5. Love that jump rope – truly a good buy. My mid-life lady issue is slowly going away. The more days that pass, the longer I can go before that silly issue. Hope by the Dirty Girl Mud Run in Sept, it won’t be an issue. I will never again be as sedentary as I was the past two years. I’m paying for that in all kinds of ways!
Not too bad here. Out to lunch yesterday and made good choices (chicken Caesar salad). Didn’t really eat dinner, so the rice pudding at the meeting wasn’t the best choice… but ooh so good. The beer when I got home, even worst. Went grocery shopping so have good options. Am finding the Carnation Instant Breakfast – although not the best choice – has been working to get me eating breakfast in the morning to get the engine started. Have never been a big breakfast eater and am finding it hard to start other than juice. BTW, have taken a little break from the juice. No real reason, just dong other things I guess.
So I started the post with the ominous… “Yikes, I really thought the past couple days have been a diversion.”
And am finishing with… “But have held 157.5, so not quite as bad as I thought!”
How are you doing on your goals?